Unfortunately we are unable to process online donations at this time. Please check back frequently as there are volunteers working to set this up in the near Future because donations are necessary for the following projects:
One of the biggest dreams of the community as a whole is a project known by the name Vivienda Digna, which aims at building a house for each family providing them with decent living conditions and a dignified life. This is a major project, for which the community is at the present seeking financial support.
Thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, not one but two crowd funding accounts were created to raise funds that would help repair the damages from the November earthquake and minimize the impact to their business. Within 2 months, both projects had ended and exceeded their goals! In the end, over $11,000 USD was raised.
A list of donors can be seen here: Donors
We would like to sincerely thank all of the project supporters. Your donation is going directly to the Finca where it will have a lasting impact. Updates on how the repairs are going will hopefully be up soon.